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Give a big 1By-Day fan welcome to new face Lucy Bell, who gives us detailed views of her luscious young body. A pale yellow bra and panty set showcases her shape very well, and shes got a particularly firm tummy too, with sexy navel jewelry. Youd never know Lucy is a newbie from the relaxed way she strips out of her denim miniskirt and performs for us, spreading her peach wide as she sits on a couch. But Lucy also shows interest in sniffing her own panties. When her first sniff doesnt seem to give her enough aroma, she mashes her scanties into her pussy and rubs them around, then returning her underwear to her nose for some longer sniffs. Ye horny ole newsletter scribe always thinks theres something so interesting about watching pretty girls inhale their own erotic odors via their girl-scented scanties or their shoes!You think so, too?
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