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Hey was up guys is me Preston with another crazy episode of the Bang Bus. This time things got crazy in the beach. Everybody was kind of frisky. Traffic was insane and the people were just not respecting our job. So anyways, me and my boy Lou were looking around for some hot chicks. We found this hot asian visiting the city from Japan, she was very sexy, but she didn't accept our proposition,But then, we found this hot acounten name Amber. She is very hot, and her boobs are just amazing. Since the minute that I saw this girl I got a hard on. So we were talking to her when out of nowhere this two woman got out of the car screaming because we were holding traffic. What does she mean by that? we were trying to pick up this chick so she should wait. So in the middle of all that confusion, Amber decided to ride with us. Men that chick is hot, and kinky. I offered her 200 hundred dollars and this time I didn't have any stud. I fucked her myself. Yes gentleman, this chick is worth the ride.
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