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A group of lifeguards who operate on the beaches of southern France will be confronted by a strange amphibian creature, a newt (Kevin Ass) with the power to make a guy crazy about him with the sound of his voice. It is a modern and masculine version of the siren. He is in fact looking for his lover and soulmate who has lost his memory by staying too long in contact with humans. Under the direction of the chief of rescuers (Mack Manus), Math (Mathieu Ferhati), Guillermo (Guillermo Cruz) and Gabriel (Gabriel Dragün) crisscross the sea and its surroundings to rescue the shipwrecked. While Math and Gabriel rescue Will, a journalist looking for info on the amphibian creature, Guillermo will have to undergo the unbridled fuck of Mack his superior still under the effects of the sexual of the Triton. Will this creature reach its ends ? Basically who is he really looking for ? Dive into the azure depths of the Mediterranean Sea and succumb, like the Lifeguards, to Triton's songs.
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