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Dear Diary.<br>Today I want to dedicate a few pages to something that makes me feel incredibly comfortable: wearing diapers. I know it might seem strange to some, but for me it is an act of self-acceptance and freedom.<br>This morning, I woke up wanting to pamper myself. I decided to wear a diaper, feeling surprised by the feeling of comfort it gives me. As I dressed, I noticed how the diaper fit perfectly, allowing me to move freely without any worries. There is something reassuring in knowing you are protected, and that lightness of mind is priceless.<br>Playing with my favorite sex toy while wearing my diaper and filling it with big pee turns me on like never before. Look at this amazing orgasm while I am wearing it.<br>In a world that often judges us, I find it so liberating to be able to express these preferences without any shame. I am grateful for these moments of self-care and for the opportunity to celebrate who I am.<br>That is why today, as I write these lines, I can only fe
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